Tue 07 Jan
നരลηเัηg Mരηdลഋ เีf ม cลn fลηtลടเีzછ เีt wછ cลn ลchเีછvછ เีt! 4'11 36dd's βఠఠty & βછลuty!Thછ βغST 💋 - 31
(Seattle, 🏪Kent 🚗Seattle Auburn FedWay Bellevue)
Corinne* beautiful brunette ~big hazel eyes- petite -ready now -discreet - 24
(Seattle, outcall downtown Seattle)
Creole Voodoo Goddess, Of Pleasure and Ecstasy... - 27
(City of Seattle, Seattle, Seattle/Beacon/Tukwila/Seatac)
❤❤* * * * T H E »- (¯`❈´¯) -» T O T A L »- (¯`❈´¯) -» P A C K A G E * * $100 Specials!! ❤❤ - - 22
(Seattle, seatac airport)
~*~* STePHaNie WaNTs To PLaY*~*~CoME C Me ToDaY!!! *~*~*~ #253-397-8339 - 39
(Seattle, Fife Incall/Outcall to you)
(:Limited time only:) SEXY asian GIA is here to PLEASE ...Never a TEASE!!!! 24hrs - 22
(Seattle, Renton Highlands INCALL)
Hey Fellas it's Meka your #1 Seatac Provider in Renton :) 2534318213.. Perfect Body,Perfect Girl! - 21
(Seattle, Renton/Seatac 2534318213 60hh 120hr)
»-★ ChArMinG »-★-» SwEEt »»ReLaXed »-★-» »-★-» NaTUrAL 38H's »-★-» - 27
(Seattle, Your place or mine)
BustY ....... BronzE ........ GoddesS ....... HoW ....... KinkY ....... CaN ..... u .....GeT?? - 23
(Burien incall-outcall)
BEFORE You go to GRANDMAS' HOUSE for the HOLIDAY.... come get some Stress Relief! - 25
(Seattle, Seatac incalls & all outcalls)
▇ 90HH Special♛THE ☆PERFECT ☆TREAT♥▇▇ ߎ#KiLLєR ★ CuRvEs】*.•★* Y✪UNG SW€€T & S€XY °•★ - 24
(Seattle, seatac, kent, tukwila, desmoise)
5FOOT 100LBS 🎀(80$hh)(160$HR)🎀 19Yr CaLiFornia CuTie 🎀 DONT MISS! 🎀 EaRly MoRnInG SPECS - 19
$100 InCaLL SPeCiALS o°• ♥ o°•:::: ♥ **REAL SEXy BrUnEttE ** ♥ ::: •°o ♥ - 23
(Seattle, Tukwila Incall/// Outcall Everywhere)
***~~FiEsTy BrUnEtTe BoMbShElL***~~ ReAdY To PlEaSe AnD RoCk Ur WoRlD - 25
(Scranton, WILKES BARRE / PITTSTON /Scranton)
The #1 & only Hottie from Vancouver is back in Savannah 3607219145 - 23
(Savannah, Midtown area upscale location)
°o♥° SeXy °o♥° BUSTY ((40DD)) ° o♥° PLaYmATE °o♥° - 18
(WOODLAND HILLS(in)Everywhere(out))
💦💦💦💦💦Hi I'm bored for outcalls only coming from Palmdale 📞 now ask for princ the body therapis - 22
(Lancaster/ Palmdale/ santa Clarita, San Fernando Valley)
_ * { G o r g e o u s } * _ ~ 1oO% Real ~ _ = Young & Attentive = _
(*North Hollywood,Sherman Oaks,Van Nuys*)
--------- ------ Exotic ******* ******** Redhead ------- ------- ------- --------- - 34
(San Fernando Valley)
💋🌺🍬 Come relax… enjoy it best massage with Asian Kim, Incalls only💋🌺🍬 - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Woodland hills/Incall)
hey guys SPECIALS♡♥♡ no appt needed♡♥♡24/7 in call only★CALL NOW!★ - 27
(Scranton, Pittston in call only)
60$ specials*** [[ 1oO% R€AL Exotic DREAM]] — ♥ — £B0Ny BeAuTy — ♥— SuP€r CuRv€y*** 2 GiRLZ!!!! - 23
(Scranton, Wilkes B / Scranton)
80$ Special 💥Hot🔥BBw with A PhaT✨ Juicy💦 KittY 🐱KAT CoMe💥 PunISh MY ThrOaT - 21
(Pittston av, Scranton)
🌴🌺 👄 The Latina Exotic Goddess Girl 🌴🌺 👄 ROSY 👄🌺🌴 Quick 60 today - 🌴🌺 👄 - 35
(San Fernando Valley, NORTH HOLLYWOOD)
♛pReTtY ASiAN MiXed pRiNcEsS ♛cOmE eNjOy A rOyAl ASiAn/iSlANd ExPeRiEnCe♛ Leavein CaLL NoW SPECIALS! - 23
(San Fernando Valley, chatsworth (60/100/160 bac +40))
°o*°DoN'T yOu °JuSt LoVe° nAuGhTy ° GiRls ° LiKe Me° *o° {{{ 50 }}} Click Now!!! - 23
Exotic Companion .:.Fit Sexy Slender. 5 fwy incall|~ Highway 118 Outcall - 22
(Santa Clarita Northridge Valencia)
80 S P E C I A L S =•••► ••exOtic••S E X Y •• (( CURVY ( BRUNETTE ) PlaYmAtE( LAST NiGHT In ToWN - 21
(San Fernando Valley, Encino iNcaLLs.....OUTCALLS EVERYWHERE)
▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ 100%Real*HOT Hawaiian/Ebony Companion visiting Eugene ██ short visit ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃ - 27
(Eugene, in & out)
Female operated agency in LA NOW HIRING! Paid Airfare! Start making money as soon as TOMORROW!! - 21
(Portland, Los Angeles, CA)
Tigereyes LAST NIGHT IN TOWN! Come and see her before she leaves... - 51
(Portland, vancouver-I205 & se mill plain blvd)
****++ Young Sweet Asian College Girl ****++ Filipina BOMBSHELL Upscale Provider ++**** - 21
(Portland, Portland Metro Area / Vancouver)
♡♡♡——— ▄▀▄ YOUR FaNTaSY GiRL iS HeRe CaLL ME !! AVAiLABLE &i;'M FeeLiNG FReaKY ♡♡♡——— ▄▀▄ - 22
(Portland, With You Anytime • OutCaLL SPECiALS)
Y☼Ur ThICkNeSS AwAiTS!! HaNdS DoWN tHe VeRy BeSt*SPe©¡ALZ*! -special 150 an - - 23
(Portland, vancouver wa)
Your Sinfully Stunning Exotic Playmate - Special Tonite! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, In town, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
xXx PeRFeCT 10 BLonDe HoTTiE! xXx YoUnG, FrEsH & GoRgEoUs! xXx LaTe NiGhT FuN! - 21
(Upscale Incall Convention Center)
*~*__ Y__O__U __R __*~*__S __E__X__ X__Y__*~* __L__I__T__ T__L__E__ *~*__ S__E__C __R__E__T __*~* - - 21
(Portland, Incall(near tigard) Outcalls (PDX,TGR,WA)
-*-*-_ YoU HaVe SEEN tHe REST :( NoW cOmE ENJOY tHe BeSt BLONDE aRoUnD _-*-*- - 29
(Portland, Near Vancouver incall/Outcall PDX&VAN;)
============ ========= Your BODY = by BAILY ============ (( Big BuTT HoTTiE! )) == (( BiG TiTs!! )) - 25
(Portland, (((((( YOUR HOTEL ROOM )))))))
💕Well Reviewed💕SEXY 💋 SENSUAL 💋 BUSTY 💋 Blue Eyed 💋 BLONDE 💕 Jessica Rabbit 💕 - 27
_____ ♥ _________ Sweet Sexy lil Blonde ________ ♥ _____ - 22
(Portland, Portland & Surrounding Area)
☎SUMMER TIME SPECIALS❤ ❤❤ ❤❤ NEW2T0WN❤💋💋 Exotic Hotty 💋💋ℒ Le t ' s °•❤•° °•❤•° Make Magic💋❤❤ ❤❤ ❤☎☎☎ - 19
(Portland, Beaverton Incall ONLY)
(sw beaverton/TV highway)
SupeR _ S E X Y _ FaNTaSy _ P L A Y M A T E _ ReAdy _ N O W - 21
(Southeast Portland, quiet pdx incall)
***Sweet Gabby Call Me For Your Undeniable Session ... UP ALL NIGHT LONG 503-292-3382 - 24
°•★•°SUP€R FR€AK¥°•★•°HUG€ B00T¥*°•★•°0P€N M!ND€D°•★•° GREAT SPECIALS *!°•★•°( YOUR FANTASY) - 27
(Portland, Vancouver Incall)
▬▬▬•✿║ ✿•▬▬▬ •✿•✿• NICE ASIAN GIRLS •✿•✿• AMAZING BODY WORK ▬ / PORTLAND •✿║ ✿•▬▬ 503-386-8181▬✿▬▬✿ - 21
(Portland, •✿•✿• •✿•✿• •✿ 503-386-8181•✿•✿•✿•✿• •✿•)
`'•★:♥°o°•EXOTIC •°★°• PETITE *•★•* DREAM •°★°• GIRL•°♥ :★•'´ - 22
(Portland, PDX&Surrounding; areas (in/out))